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University Researchers Develop “Tunable” Filter for 6G

May 29, 2024
This single, adjustable filter prevents spectrum interference.

Engineers at the University of Pennsylvania unveiled a new technology developed to enable future 6G network technology. The innovation is a single, adjustable filter for mobile devices to prevent interference when using the FR3 band.

The filter is about the size of a quarter and propagates a magnetic spin wave.

To prevent signal interference in cellular communication from different bands, an average smartphone may contain around 100 filters. This single filter is designed to be tunable.

“Being tunable is going to be really important because at these higher frequencies you may not always have a dedicated block of spectrum just for commercial use,” said Troy Olsson, Associate Professor in Electrical and Systems Engineering (ESE) at Penn Engineering in a blog post.

The engineers will present the technology at the International microwave symposium next month.

Read the full story here.

About the Author

Joe Gillard | Executive Editor

Joe Gillard is a media professional with over 10 years of experience writing, editing, and managing the editorial process across a spectrum of innovative industries. Joe strives to deliver the best possible editorial product by focusing on the needs of the audience, utilizing the data available, and collaborating with a talented team. 


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