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Your Stories Come to Life —
Though Hurricanes Harvey and Irma caused ISE EXPO 2017 to be cancelled, the ISE team is committed to #ISEEXPOTheShowMustGoOn. Therefore, we are sharing the Calling All Memories photo submissions we received celebrating 25 years of memories right here. AND, we are proud to host many ISE EXPO 2017 exhibitors’ videos at Check them out and support those loyal vendors when you can.
Our Calling All Memories winner is Gregory T. Frasca, SVP, Diversified. Check out how smart he looks with his newly won smart watch!
True Story #1
by Greg Frasca
One of my first memories of a mobile phone is when my older brother got involved with the cellular company, BAMS (Bell Atlantic Mobile Systems). In 1985, we opened a family business in New Jersey to sell, service and install the equipment.
Also, check out a recent picture of me (now 46) with my first car phone and an old flip phone. The magazine I’m holding is the Sept. 1984 issue of Cellular Business in which it outlines the launch of Cellular service in New York City that same year. These props are fun to show the Twenty Somethings who work with me. They say, "Man, you’re old!"
True Story #2
by Kelsey Ryon
…It was a big deal to borrow my dad’s cell phone for a trip to Memphis. With some force and time, I finally maneuvered the accompanying briefcase-like bag under the passenger’s seat of the van and off I drove.
Ironically, on that same trip, the van was broken into and everything but that bulky phone and bag were stolen.
Kelsey Ryon
Senior Marketing Specialist
Hexagon Safety and Infrastructure
True Story #3 by Chris Parker In 1990, I attended a High-Tech MBA program Wednesday nights and Saturdays. To get to the 6:00 PM class, I had to drive an hour in Boston area traffic. After realizing that was a lot of wasted time that could be better spent, I invested in the OKI briefcase phone to return work phone calls and discuss case studies with fellow students who were also in traffic.Chris Parker Senior Manager — Engineering Verizon
True Story #4
by John Skelton
One fine day after having just received a new bag phone, I stopped to see one of our crews that was placing cable. When I arrived, I was talking on that new phone, using the hands-free microphone on the sun visor. I then put the truck in park and continued my conversation by leaning forward to be closer to the microphone.
As I continued my conversation, one of the Techs saw me and started walking toward the truck. As he got closer, he noticed I was talking to someone but there was no one else in the vehicle. Not knowing about the cell phone, he looked at me as if I had finally lost my mind.
John Skelton
SMW Engineering
As always, before starting, I checked all my safety gear and was good to go. Unknowingly, as I was guiding the pole into the hole, my cell phone placed on my hip rang and vibrated. I thought my gloves had failed and I was being electrocuted!
Scot Bohaychyk
Sr. Application Engineer
Clearfield, Inc.