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Dec. 13, 2023

Latest from C&E/NetDev Ops/GIS/Open-Source Networks

Iq Geo Network Manager Telecom 530x450 64c53ec220814

IQGeo: Network Manager Telecom

Aug. 1, 2023
IQGeo’s Network Manager Telecom is a geospatial software solution that provides an intelligent digital twin of fiber operators’ physical network assets to support their unique and complex network architectures.
Iq Geo Network Manager Telecom 530x450 64c53ec220814

Network Manager Telecom is IQGeo’s foundational software product used by BSPs to plan, design, construct, and operate their fiber networks. Designed from the ground up to support the unique and complex network model architectures of fiber operators, Network Manager Telecom provides an intelligent digital twin of their physical network assets that can be easily shared across departments and processes, whether in the office or in the field.

BSPs using Network Manager Telecom and its complementary applications can streamline and connect operational processes to save money and time through improved efficiency, increase revenue by maximizing commercial opportunities for existing near-net fiber assets, and ultimately accelerate time-to-revenue through these efficiency gains. Automated fiber planning, network design, project and construction management, operations and maintenance, and network sales optimization—as well as streamlined transitions between each stage—are all enabled by the Network Manager Telecom software foundation.

Learn more by visiting:

Judge’s Comment: “Promising product that could be beneficial to many BSPs looking for a software partner versus building in-house.”

About the Author

ISE Staff


Buyer's Guide


Dec. 13, 2023