669fec575e92fd61371bb059 Corning Evolv Multifiber Pushlok Connector 12f Ma

Evolv® Solution With Multifiber Pushlok™ Technology

July 23, 2024
Corning receives platinum award in the 2024 ISE Network Innovators' Awards program.

Corning’s new Multifiber Pushlok™ technology and its pre-connectorized FTTx solution evolves outside plant hardened connectivity solutions to unlock increased network deployment speeds, ease-of-use, and sustainability. With the broadband industry at a critical juncture and a historic level of government funding available, Multifiber Pushlok helps network operators overcome increased challenges such as cost constraints, labor shortages, and challenging build timelines to connect the unconnected.

The Multifiber Pushlok Connector utilizes its push-and-click functionality to directly connect feeder cables or terminals without twisting and tightening of connector housings or expensive and time-consuming splicing. The reduced size of the connector enables Corning’s new RPX® cable FlexNAP™ fiber distribution system to fit in industry standard 1.25” duct for bulk cable pathway. Now every network operator deploying a bulk cable splice solution can have a pre-connectorized solution in the exact same pathway with no changes to their pathway creation process or engineering designs. This solution enables operators to deploy their network at 5x the speed with at least $25/homes passed in cost savings compared to traditional splice solutions. Additionally, reducing the duct size of buried deployments from legacy 2” solutions to the new 1.25” provides a 50% reduction in carbon footprint based on the reduction of plastic duct.

Network operators can significantly shorten the time between starting network construction and first subscriber revenue while reducing deployment cost. This new connector also has improved insertion loss allowing longer pre-con solutions for rural deployments and BEAD projects. Operators can now deploy their network faster, simpler, further, more cost effective and more sustainably, with Corning’s latest innovation, Multifiber Pushlok. CLICK HERE to learn more.


Love the attention to increasing installation efficiency. Any labor and material savings that providers can gain are great. This has the potential to speed deployment up quite a bit. The ability to use smaller duct sizes will be beneficial as well. Nicely done.

- 2024 ISE Network Innovators' Awards Judge
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ISE Staff