Precision Optical Technologies
66a9216981e7887b32687378 Precision Pot Asic

Genesee™ Dispersion Compensation ASIC

July 30, 2024
Precision Optical Technologies receives gold award in the 2024 ISE Network Innovators' Awards program.

Precision OT’s Advanced Engineering Group (AEG) designed and manufactured the Dispersion Compensation ASIC (application-specific integrated circuit) called Genesee, using patent-pending technology to address the impact of data quality in DWDM networks as distance increases. While today’s 10G DWDM transceivers can facilitate transmission distances of up to 80km, available 25G DWDM optical transceiver solutions fall short, limiting network operators to 10-15km distances unless specialized equipment is employed for longer links.

The Dispersion Compensation ASIC enables greater bandwidth at longer distances without additional equipment and architecture, quickly reducing operational expenses. In fact, it extends the lifespan of existing network infrastructure. CLICK HERE to learn more.


This product clearly hits the mark on the need to achieve greater data ranges. What sets it apart from the competition and makes it even more valuable, is that it is non-invasive! Many times, when we're upgrading the network, we need to change out fiber or other components and/or network elements. That's not the case here. This allows you to do more with your existing infrastructure.

- 2024 ISE Network Innovators' Awards Judge
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ISE Staff