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How Safe is Safe?

June 10, 2022

Recent Juniper Research shares the forecasts value of enterprise cybersecurity spend will exceed $226 billion in 2027; up from $179 billion in 2022. This growth of 26% over the next 5 years reflects the increasing maturity of the cybersecurity market, which continues to evolve as new threats emerge. The report identified a rising awareness of vulnerabilities, alongside emerging threats, including ransomware and DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) as key drivers behind the increasing spend.

Juniper Research’s Competitor Leaderboard for the cybersecurity market has identified the 5 leading market vendors as follows:

  1. AWS
  2. IBM
  3. Cisco
  4. Oracle
  5. Sophos 

For more insights, download the free white paper: Cybersecurity ~ Navigating the Threat Environment

About the Author

ISE Staff