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Ise Network Innovators Social Deadline Extended Fb 645b9b4266ce1

2023 ISE Network Innovators’ Awards—Enter Today! (DEADLINE EXTENDED TO MAY 26)

May 12, 2023

Can ONE product change the telecom/ICT world? Of course, it can!

That’s why ISE is launching a new program to honor the best telecom infrastructure/network innovations that solve Communications Service Providers (CSPs) AND end-users pain points in a cost-effective manner.

The ISE Network Innovator’s Awards will celebrate outstanding innovations in product design and function for those companies’ intent on being game changers in the telecom and ICT landscape. The award winners will be chosen by an independent and respected panel of judges who will vote on 9 categories.

We are now accepting entries! 

Don’t miss this outstanding opportunity to be recognized for your telecom infrastructure/network innovations. Honorees will be announced on August 30, 2023, at ISE EXPO in Kansas City, MO.

CLICK HERE to learn more and to complete the submission form.

Submission Deadline: May 26, 2023

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ISE Staff